My Teaching Philosophy

In looking to determine my educational philosophy, I came to understand that developing my own principles meant I needed to reflect to determine what my core beliefs are about teaching and learning. This research taught me that there are some viewpoints I strongly align with, and others that I do not, and it also allowed me to understand that my ideals can and will shift as I grow in my career.

I feel that this quote is speaking about the transformative process that one undergoes through the acquisition of knowledge and experiences. People begin life as a blank slate, and education shapes and refines the soul like a sculptor moulds marble. Sculpting is an active process that involves careful and deliberate actions, in the same way that education requires active engagement, guidance and nurturing to be meaningful. Teachers act as the “artists,” using their knowledge, skills and passion to help mold and facilitate the growth of their students so they can uncover the best versions of themselves. In essence, the quote underscores the power of education and how it can reveal and shape the inherent potential buried within each person.  

As a future educator, I commit to helping students unlock their fullest potential through education by offering them a variety of experiences and opportunities that enhance their learning in meaningful ways. My passions include helping people, and so I would have students partake in an experiential learning project that has them addressing a real-world problem or question that exists within their community. Students would go into the community to collect data about their chosen issue, such as homelessness or food inequity, and then develop a plan of action that outlines the steps needed to implement their chosen solution. This type of activity would provide students with real-world context for their learning and allow them to see how they can make a real difference in the world. As a future educator, I aim to help students realize that their education is not just about learning, but about transforming both themselves and their world for the better.